Saturday, February 18, 2012


perginya seorang ratu yg sangat2 bermakna dalam hidup kami sekeluarga. arwahyarhama menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir dalam tidur (16/2/2012). tiada seorang pun yang berada di sisi time sakaratul maut menjemput. sayunya hati ketika melihat wajah arwah saat2 terakhir. qila doakan semoga roh atok ditempatkan dikalangan2 org yg beriman. kami semua merindui atok, senyuman atok, panggilan atok... serius rasa terkilan sbb seminggu sebelum atok pergi. qila xtolong atok potongkan kuku, ikatkan tocang buat atok. sorry sgt2 atok. qila xtaw knp time tue qila rasa berat nak bgn. qila syg atok! jmpa di sana nnt...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vacation :)

After abes anugerah graduasi.terus pecut keta ka PD..hehe.apa lg, bercuti la.selepas penat duduk dlm dewan PICC, jenuh kebas pungkoq nie.Tahniah Nurdina..!jgn lupa cr keja byr duit MARA.

Kenali Si Gadis Pisces dan Si Jejaka Sagittarius

Pisces Strength Keywords:
- Compassionate
- Adaptable
- Accepting
- Devoted
- Imaginative

Pisces Weakness Keywords:
- Oversensitive
- Indecisive
- Self-pitying
- Lazy
- Escapist

Pisces and Independence:
Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track.

Pisces and Friendship:
Pisces will go out of their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. They will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Pisces but any friend of this zodiac sign should know that although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive friend to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events. A Pisces friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship.

Pisces Deep Inside:
Pisces have an intuitive and psychic ability more then any other zodiac signs. They trust their gut feelings and if they do not, they quickly learn to because they realize that their hunches are usually correct. Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and their inability to reject another person. They do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated so they will rarely say no to a person for fear of hurting their feelings. They will help another person with their problems and like to do so because making others feel good in turn makes them feel good. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events, they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends. They want people in their life who stir their emotions because this helps them to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves.

What it's Like to Date a Pisces Woman:
Pisces women are very captivating and fascinating. She makes a man feel like a man because of her need for a protector and leader. She is charming, soft and feminine. The ultimate enchantress. She can see right through a man and she is not easy to fool, so any man better be straight with her and not lead her on, because instead of confronting him, she will simply disappear. She needs to nurture and will give the man orders, but only for his own good. She will make sure he is eating properly and getting enough sleep, sort of like a mother nurturing a child. What she needs in return is a man to protect and cherish her, make her feel like she is needed and loved. She might almost be clingy and dependent but never overbearingly. Her partner will become of better half. She needs patience and sympathy and you have to be gentle with her. Don't poke fun or tease and definitely do not reject her harshly because she can't stand rejection. She is extremely romantic and will lose herself in the relationship. The Pisces woman is the ultra feminine nurturer, the ideal woman for the right man.

How to Attract Pisces:
talk about spirituality, the occult, astrology, anything that is out of reach of the real world. They will easily get lost in a good conversation. Although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive partner to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events and will be up to doing almost anything that you suggest. Make them laugh, they are usually melancholy and will be impressed if someone has the ability to make them laugh. They are not very conservative people so do not be afraid to talk about unconventional or strange things and tell them odd jokes, they will be impressed by that. They are suckers for flattery give them compliments and tell them in a roundabout way that you admire them. Be sensitive, generous and gentle, make them feel comfortable with you and make them feel good about themselves and all will be smooth sailing!

Sagittarius Strength Keywords:
- Independence

Sagittarius Weakness Keywords:
- Unemotional

Sagittarius and Independence:
Independence is Sagittarius' principle, they crave adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, they will go as far as road will go and explore every corner thoroughly in their ever eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that they will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given by the choice they have made, as a result, sometimes a good opportunity is turned down because of it's high commitment need, but this is their choice so it is a good choice for them.

Sagittarius and Friendship:
Sagittarius make excellent friends because of their encouraging, positive nature and their kind heart that will do anything to make sure the friend is happy. They do not expect favors in return, their kindness is selfless. They do not interfere with other people's plans and they are never possessive or jealous. They treat others the way they want to be treated and life life based on a 'live and let live' policy, this makes them so agreeable. Sagittarius are excellent conversationalists with a good sense of humor, sometimes their humor is the raw truth, but these people speak their mind and don't hold anything back. What they say is what they mean, Sagittarius do not like mind games, it holds them back trying to figure out what is meant, they like straightforwardness and expect it in return. Sagittarius are known for saying the 'painful truth', but on the other hand, people know that they can trust what they say because they always say what is real. A Sagittarius never hides anything. Sagittarius are very likeable people. The only people that might not get along with them are people that live by a daily agenda with a highly structured, organized life. They are likely to always be running late and miss a date, but this is only because they are so forward thinking that they forget about the present. Tolerance is required, Sagittarius does not do these things on purpose, this is just who they are. If you understand this and accept this, having a Sagittarius in your life will make the sun shine a lot brighter.

Sagittarius Deep Inside:
Sagittarius is a well adjusted person with no emotional problems holding them back. They just want to explore the world and not fret about emotions and feelings. Others may be hurt by their lack of commitment but they don't care, that's not why they are on this planet, they are here to gain wisdom, learn and explore. Sagittarius has problems finishing some projects they started if it takes too long, they want immediate results and will move on to the next project if it takes too long. This is not because of laziness, Sagittarius are far from lazy but this motivation to move on is due to their hatred of boredom. Boredom is their fear and instead of facing it, they will up and leave in search of something more stimulating. Sagittarius are not emotional people but they are easily hurt by a careless selfish action, their will be blue but turn it around pretty quickly with their naturally sunny disposition. They don't dwell on hurt because it is a waste of their energy.

What it's Like to Date a Sagittarius Man:
This man may be difficult to pin down. He loves the trill of the chase so he may be off trying to get other women at the same time you are trying to get him. He is sincere when we says he likes you but he means it to other women when he tells other women the same thing. He is not showy or romantic, and he tends to attract women who like the thrill of the chase themselves, which is not too bad of a gamble. In order to win him over, be modest about love, do not engage him in emotional commitment like conversations about being together in the future. Sagittarius is for the woman who does not want commitment or is afraid of being tied down in a relationship. This man is perfect for the adventurous, fearless female.

How to Attract Sagittarius:
Talk to them, ask them questions about themselves, share stories, make them laugh, but do not pry into intimate details about their life. Keep your emotional distance and they will be attracted to you. Easy. Suggest an outdoor date, something wild and wacky like floating on a boat down the river then having a picnic by the riverside, anything. They love activities. These are the easiest people to get a date with but don;t think that this is written in stone, they are the biggest commitment phoebe of all zodiac signs. Enjoy the time you've spent with Sagittarius and be prepared to move on or at least share them with others because they will be doing the same. All in good fun.

Thanks LOVE

Monday, February 6, 2012

Convo Time...

Saat yg di nanti2 kan sudah tiba. Alhamdulillah.sampai juga hari keramat ku nie.4hb Februari 2012.tahniah2...!kpd kwn2 yg telah mendapat anugerah graduation.mulakan hidup baru anda semua.kpd kwn2 yg tidak dpt bersama kami.jgn la kamu2 bersedih.ini semua ada hikmah.hidup mesti di teruskan.perjuangan tidak berhenti di tgh jalan.jadi siap sedia la kwn2 thanks to my family, my boy, my friends n my lect.tanpa sokongan u guys.mungkin sy xde di hari ini.amin2.

lots of <3

Pre-Graduation Day Event


itulah tema utk makan malam Pre-Graduation 3hb Februari aritu.walaupun pakaian aku xdpt anugerah QUEEN GRADUATION.aku bersyukur sbb aku happy dengan kawan2 aku.tahniah to Nini n Izaan sbb menang lucky draw.hehe.korg berdua mmg ada luck la..jeles i.haha.nasib aku unhappy sikit sbb myboy xdpt join dinner tue. :( serius feel lonely without him.nasib baik ada 'bam2' tercinta.die yg wat aku happy.hehe.maklum la.dtg single time dinner. :) so after celoteh2.ape lg.makan time.

>love u guys so much!!